Mentoring: a way to improve learning and teaching quality

atrium of the department of Law

The symposium “Mentoring: A way to improve learning and teaching quality” will be held in Palermo (Italy) the 15 and 16 of June 2023.

The symposium has the main aims to give an overview of peer observation/mentoring programs in Italy and in the world and to reflect how to improve existing projects and how to develop new ones.

The symposium will host international experts and it will be an occasion to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the “Progetto Mentore” of University of Palermo. The activities will be organized by University of Palermo and the scientific association Asduni.

Many contributes will be given by experts on mentoring programs from different countries (Mary Sorcinelli, Chirissi Nerantzi, Javiera Atenas, Anna Bussu).

The deadline for the registration is the 10th of May 25th of May. It will be possible to participate as auditors or presenting oral or poster contributions. The deadline for the submission of the abstracts of the contributions is the 25th of May 2nd of June.

The Symposium will start at 10.00 on the 15th of June 2023, and will end at 1.30 pm on the 16th.
The venue of the Symposium will be the Department of Law (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Via Maqueda, 172, 90133 Palermo).

Scientific committee

  • Onofrio Scialdone (Università di Palermo, Organizing Commitee of “Progetto Mentore”)
    Ettore Felisatti (President of Asduni)
  • Miguel Zabalza  (President of Asociación Iberoamericana de Docencia Universitaria)
  • Alessia M. A. Bevilacqua (Università di Verona)
  • Fabrizio Bracco (Università di Genova)
  • Roberta Bonelli (Università di Padova, ASDUNI)
  • Marcella Cannarozzo (Università di Palermo, Organizing Commitee of “Progetto Mentore”)
  • Fabio Caradonna (Università di Palermo, Organizing Commitee of “Progetto Mentore”)
  • Filippo Chiarello (Università di Pisa, referente del progetto mentore dell’Ateneo)
  • Elisabetta Corsi (Università Roma La Sapienza)
  • Paola Alessia Lampugnani (Università di Genova)
  • Mercedes Lopez Aguado (Universidad de León)
  • Antonella Lotti (Università di Foggia)
  • Bianca Maria Lombardo (Università di Catania)
  • Manuela Milani (Humanitas University)
  • Enza Manila Raimondo (Università di Palermo)
  • Loredana Perla (Università di Bari, ASDUNI)
  • Roberta Piazza (Università di Catania)
  • Cristiana Rossignolo (Politecnico di Torino, responsabile del TLLlab)
  • Anna Serbati (Università di Trento, ASDUNI)
  • Alessio Surian (Università di Padova)

Organizing committee (Università degli studi di Palermo)

  • Francesco Pace
  • Simona Feci
  • Renato Lombardo
  • Antonella Maggio
  • Gianluca Scaccianoce